Special Diet Plan for Kids

Eat better together with healthy meal plans that kids give the thumbs up !
Today, many children are consuming most of their daily calories at school and for many children, food served at school may be the only food they eat regularly.
Schools are required to serve lunches that meet the meal patterns, which are based on recommendations from the National Academies Health and Medicine Division, and are aligned with the latest Dietary Guidelines for Indians. The meal patterns are intended to enhance the diet of school children nationwide and help mitigate childhood obesity by providing children daily access to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat fluid milk in school meals; limiting sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat in school meals; and establishing calorie ranges to ensure that children receive age-appropriate school meals.
Junk Food, Junk Food Everywhere …
It’s quite obvious, with a quick stroll down the perilous middle aisles of any grocery store, that a lot of food marketing targets children.
Not so subtle TV commercials and even blatant bribe marketing (Happy Meal toys) seek to educate our kids about nutrition.It is also no secret that obesity and Type 2 diabetes rates are skyrocketing in kids and appearing at younger and younger ages.
While most parents agree that basic foods like healthy proteins and green veggies are important staples for the little ones, the issue of child nutrition is hardly a clear cut one anymore. With soccer games to play, choir practices to attend, and a social schedule that would have made me dizzy at their ages, most kids these days (and moms!) just aren’t home at meal times much. This rapidly paced lifestyle makes it easier to justify quick food, even if it is devoid of nutrients.
Food as a Reward
Another factor that I have noticed with many children is the connection to food as a type of reward. From a young age we reward birthdays with sweets, school achievements with meals out, good deeds with ice cream, and even healthy eating with dessert (if you eat all 3 of your peas, you can have a piece of cake…)
Couple the above factors with the fact that most kids, once they escape the nutrient-devoid school lunches and finally get home at night, are too tired to get the benefits of going outside and play or chase a ball around for fun, and instead curl up in front of the TV or video games with a snack. With the world against her, what is a health-conscious mom to do? This is a question I struggled with myself for a long time before finally reaching family peace! Before I get to the “how,” let’s talk about the “what” to eat!
What to Feed Kids
With the hubbub of daily life, it is easy to forget just how important our kids’ nutrition is. Like I said, while most parents agree on the benefits of veggies and healthy proteins, it is all the other things that seem to cause the debate. Is dairy ok? Should they drink fruit juice? If so, how much? Is sugar OK in moderation?
While there is certainly plenty of room for parental choice in a child’s diet, there are a few core food groups to build around : At Dr.Hemangi Weightloss Center we take a personalized approach for children ages 3 to 16 who are at an unhealthy weight or at risk of childhood obesity and its related conditions. Our large pediatric weight management team works together with your family to help your child make healthy lifestyle choices and changes. We give you the tools you need to give your child the best lifestyle and nutritional options. With one of the longest-standing kids’ weight management programs.
Eating for sports :
When you play a sport, you make sure you have the equipment you need, like your gloves for cricket, cleats for soccer, and high-top sneakers for basketball. You couldn’t play the game very well without this gear. But how do you help your game from the inside out?

Kids shouldn’t go swallowing a pair of shin guards, that’s for sure! But they should consider swallowing some healthy food packed with the nutrients they need. The right foods and drinks can help them be a better athlete.
Kids who are professional athletes know this is true. In fact, many professional teams / school’s employ dietitians and nutritionists people who know a lot about healthy eating to help players (kids) choose the best food. Young athletes train long hours for their sport. In order to optimize that training, proper nutrition needs to be a regular component of their workout plan. A car needs fuel to run properly just as people (especially young athletes) need a healthful eating plan.
Dr.Hemangi Weightloss Center provides customized nutrition coaching and accountability to kids serious about making a choice to live healthier, and make a career in sports.
Our healthy eating approach begins with a nutritional assessment that reviews your family’s medical history, health or fitness goals, and family dynamics. We’ll show you how and where to shop, help you put an end to old and poor habits, and teach you healthier alternatives.We will provide you with tools and support that address time management and meal planning, eating on the go, snacking, grocery shopping, or any other topics that support your family’s goals.
Eat well. Grow well. Be well.
Plan an online consultation all over the world through – Whats App, Skype, Facebook messenger or any other social media apps.